Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas

Island Life…. video

Hello Again… Greetings from Georgetown. Since our friend Jamie was leaving, we drove the boat across the harbor to the “Town Anchorage”.

As you can see, we had a beautiful day. The main anchorages in Elizabeth Harbor( which are on the other side of the harbor) protect us during normal wind conditions. We usually move to town because it is close to stores to provision. Georgetown is the largest settlement (Capital) of Exuma, was founded in 1793. It has grocery stores, supplies, restaurants, gift shops, banks and an international airport. It is a lovely bay with crystal clear water. This is also a good place to hide out when we have the occasional west winds which usually happen when a large front swings by. Even with this short amount of fetch, the other side can get pretty uncomfortable.

Georgetown has a colorful history and the colors of the Caribbean are seen everywhere. Pirates used Georgetown’s deep water harbor during the 17th century and the “plantation aristocracy” from Virginia and North and South Carolina settled here in the 18th century. Elizabeth Harbor was named after Queen Elizabeth and became a refitting base for British vessels and the U.S. Navy used the port during World War II.

To get from the anchorage to the town, we take our dinghy and go under a bridge to get into Lake Victoria, where we tied up and run our errands.

We decided to take advantage of the great weather and took the a ride out to Hoopers Bay to see if we could find some turtles. Some of the tour boats take guests there to feed them. We were very lucky and arrived without anyone there but us.

I had my GoPro with me but of course when I went to shoot a photo, the camera wouldn’t turn on.. I have never trusted using my iPhone in the water before, but I had to get some photos. iPhone worked in the water and didn’t have any issues… gotta love technology .

We moved back across the harbor to the Sand Dollar Anchorage. As you can see, there are still plenty of boats even after the Cruising Regatta was over.

Whenever we move anchorages, as soon as we set anchor down and turn off engines, one or both of us swim out to check if the anchor is set correctly. Our anchor is large and we feel pretty safe, but in a big blow, we want to be sure we see that it is set properly.

Another chore that had been on our minds… We have been on the boat for over 2 months now, and it’s a good idea to inspect the hull for algae growth. Yikes! We found some. Luckily the previous owner had a couple of air tanks and a hookah with a long air tube so down I went with a scraper…

There are a few really nice snorkel spots right nearby, so we went out to visit a few of them. The water was a little cloudy – not as clear as usual, but still pretty.

We took a spin around the island and visited one of our favorite kiting spots. No wind today, but enjoyed it anyway.

After all these nice days, we checked the weather, and the big front that had been stalled in Florida is now on the way to us. We are still in the Sand Dollar anchorage, and the brunt of the storm was supposed to be NE wind around 30kts. It will be a bit bumpy but with the island protection we “should” be fine.

Other boats knowing what was coming joined us in the anchorage making it a bit crowded.

So… when the wind started to pick up, it was blowing from the dreaded West (town). That is normal during a front, but it is usually a quick direction change as the wind was supposed to clock to the NE. Well. It didn’t clock! It stayed right there for about 5 hours! I don’t have a lot of photos for you we were too busy watching out our windows for dragging boats going by. That lit up boat in the photo above did start dragging and at one point was very close to us. He finally started his engines and just drove around until the wind did clock around and then he re-set his anchor.

It blew all night and the next day. But with the right wind direction it was good protection in the anchorage. These 3 boats got pushed up on the sand in the shallow water. They all tried various ways to get free, but ended up waiting for high tide around 3pm.

Much needed rest after 1st long night.

The next day we were finally able to get off the boat, and took the dingy to shore to check out the conditions on the eastern side of the island.

Getting down to our last week on the island. We will leave for 6 weeks and return to take the boat back to Florida in June.

We were there for the 1st day of the Bahamian Music Festival, but we missed out on the music… Leaving tomorrow, but the food was yummy!

We are leaving the boat tied up safely in a protected area. Thanks to our friends Christine and John who will keep and eye on her until we get back.

Made it home! Good to be back to our beautiful Baja and the Sea of Cortez.. A little different water color, but equally beautiful.

But looking forward to returning to The Bahamas in May.

Thanks all for keeping up with us. I will resume the blog when we get back. Adios for now. Take care

If any of you are interested in learning about The Bahamas in the early days, I really recommend a novel called “Winds of The Carolinas”. If you can find it, I think you’d love the story.

14 thoughts on “Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas”

  1. Nice run there kids, beautiful boat, great pictures, thanks for sharing. Makes me yearn for times past when Kitty and I spent lots of time on boats in the US north east, Caribbean, Tahiti and others. Loved the Abaco Islands.
    See you soon here in LB.

  2. Penny Kingsbury

    Another great cruising season for the books, safely done! Have enjoyed the blog taking us down memory lane and also seeing the changes since we were there. I

  3. Bettye & Dennis

    So glad to see some of our cruising friends are still cruising! Wonderful photos and good commentary. We’re hooked, again.

  4. Love keeping up with you through your blogs. That water is so pretty. Love all the colorful fishes! Happy to have you back in Baja!

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